Ciao! Salut! Hello!
I'm Emanuele, and I'm a first year PhD student at CERMICS Lab in École des Ponts ParisTech. My research supervisors are Axel Parmentier (CERMICS, ENPC) and Roberto Wolfler Calvo (LIPN, Paris 13).
My research topic is part of the Air France-ENPC research chair Pricing Bundles for Airline Revenue Management, where the objective is to find the best way to sell the bundles of the airline.
and it is about theEducation
PhD in Optimization
MSc in Computer Science
BSc in Computer Science, 2021
Scientific works
Dynamic Pricing bundles offering in an airline context
Emanuele Concas, Axel Parmentier, Roberto Wolfler Calvo
Workshop Pricing Algorithms 2023
Pricing Bundles for Airline Revenue Management
Emanuele Concas, Axel Parmentier, Roberto Wolfler Calvo
A RM method for the pricing and the assortment of bundles and ancillaries
Emanuele Concas, Axel Parmentier, Roberto Wolfler Calvo
24ème édition du congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision
Dynamic Bundles Offer Management in an Airline Context
Emanuele Concas, Axel Parmentier, Roberto Wolfler Calvo
AIROYoung Workshop 2023 UNIMI
Pricing Bundles for Airline Revenue Management
Emanuele Concas, Axel Parmentier, Roberto Wolfler Calvo
23ème édition du congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision
Introduction to Dynamic Programming
Emanuele Concas
Journées Scientifiques des Jeunes du Cermics
Granular Tabu Search algorithm for the Bike Rebalancing Problem
Francesca Bacci, Emanuele Concas, Massimo Di Francesco, Roberto Wolfler Calvo
50th Conference of Italian Operations Research Society
A Flexible and Scalable Social Robot Architecture Employing Voice Assistant Technologies
Emanuele Concas, Diego Reforgiato
Workshop on Adapted intEraction with SociAl Robots
Teaching resources
- [name].[lastname]
- 2nd floor, Office 208, Batiment Coriolis
- Cité Descartes, Champs sur Marne 77455